RTE’s flagship one-day training workshop focuses on:
relationship-based approaches to supporting children and young people in educational settings.

Training can also be offered in the following areas:
- Understanding and managing anxiety
- Understanding and supporting children or young people with ADHD
- Supporting specific learning difficulties (dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia)
- Creating accessible classrooms
- Supporting transition from primary to secondary school.
All these training packages are half-day (three hour) sessions, although they can be delivered across two 90-minute sessions if necessary.
All training can be delivered in-person or flexibly, making use of video conferencing – whatever is most suitable for your school.
Entirely bespoke training or workshop packages can be developed on request.
Prior to undertaking any training, schools are asked to complete a needs analysis to ensure that the training offered is adapted to meet the necessary requirements.
Please feel free to make an enquiry with RTE to discuss your training needs.